With Rejuvenate, you will get 60 rage each time a skill is used and this also applies to your secondary commander! This means you will get a lot of rage each time you got enough rage to use your skill and this will start getting you to pop your skill faster which also generates extra rage. You’ll pick up Burning Blood on the way that will also generate additional rage but Rejuvenate is killer here. First of all, without any hesitation, go your way to Rejuvenate in the Skill Tree first. If you haven’t maxed out your Sun Tzu by now, here’s the best order in which you want to spend those talent points. It’s not that much different from the canyon build shown above, but in the open field you know that march speed is really important, so this is the build we recommend. If you use Sun Tzu in the open field (what’s absolutely not a bad idea), this is the build you want to use with him. In a perfect world you will have him at 5/1/5/5 at this point, but you very likely landed some skill level ups on the 2nd skill. One of the first commanders you want to expertise in Rise of Kingdoms, so once you have the 1st, 3rd and 4th skill maxed you can go for the expertise skill. Once you have Art of War maxed, you can take Sun Tzu to 4 Stars (or 3 Stars, depending what your situation is) and then use sculptures in hope to get as many of them into the 3rd and 4th skill (Master Strategist & Ever-Changing Tactics).

It’s the most important skill for him and you want to get it to Level 5 as fast as possible before you get 1-Star. You really want to max the 1st Skill (Art of War) before you star him up at all. This helps you fine-tune in what order you want to upgrade the skills of your commander as not all skills are equally good and worth maxing or worth maxing first (in general) – this helps to invest your sculptures more reasonably to get the biggest bang for your buck. When you star up Sun Tzu, you also unlock a new skill. Important! Don’t miss out on free Gems, Keys, Boosters and Speedups and frequently check my list of active gift codes for Rise of Kingdoms here.

See how Sun Tzu is ranking in the different game modes of Rise of Kingdoms in my current tier list here. Current Ranking – is Sun Tzu S-Tier, A-Tier, or D-Tier?!